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Why Grass Fed is Good

Good for the Environment

There has been much talk recently regarding the relationship between farming and the environment, specifically carbon emissions.


Here are some reasons why we think that eating locally produced, grass fed meat is the best choice:




Good for your health

health benefits

omega 3 etc









Important to remember that the Co2 and Ch4 emitted by ruminants is recycled carbon - not additional carbon released from fossil fuels etc.


Grazing ruminants cannot add more CO2 to the atmosphere than the plants they eat have already absorbed from it.


This is part of the natural, sustainable system of carbon cycling.






Healthy soils store carbon

About half of the organic matter in soil is carbon, stored away safely where is cannot contribute to global warming.


Continuous crop growth reduces this organic matter, and therefore the amount of carbon stored.  

In contrast, well managed grazing builds up the levels of organic matter in soils, as manure is constantly being added.

Increased organic matter means increased carbon storage.



Good for our animals

Grazing allows our animals to live a natural, outdoor life.  

Providing a range of species in the pasture and hedges allows them to forage and have some choice in their diet.

THere is growing evidence that some plants offer natural reisitance




do supply shelter in bad weather and at lambing etc

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Rotational grazing:

Our animals are moved frequently onto fresh grass. In this way, they only eat a small proportion of the grass in any area before moving on.

This leaves healthy, strong plants on the ground, which continue to grow.  Importantly, the roots continue to grow, deeper than they can on overgrazed pasture.  

If you would like to read more about carbon, the envirnoment and grazing animals, there is a very good article by the Sustainable Food Trust here.

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